Virginia Fire & Ambulance
Friends of Virginia Public Safety

The Virginia Fire and Police Department
has formed a Friends of Virginia Public Safety Group and we would like you to join us!
The purpose of this adult non-profit organization will be to promote awareness, and focus public attention on the needs, services, programs and facilities while supporting firefighter safety, fire prevention, and public education programs.
We meet on the first Monday of each month at 6:00 pm at the Kline-Cuppoletti Building (the old gun club on silver lake), 9th Avenue and West Chestnut Street in Virginia.
Notices will be sent prior to the meetings via, City of Virginia Website - www.virginiamn.us under the Fire and Police Department, Friends of Virginia Public Safety Facebook Group, the Mesabi Daily News and Manny’s.
For More Information Please Contact:
Debbie Judnick at 218-749-3594 or Jacob Keehl at 218-749-3596

If you are looking for ways to contribute to this nonprofit organization:
Donation: A one-time monetary gift, which can be made to the Friends of Virginia Public Safety.
Corporate Giving: Includes event sponsorships, pledges, project donations and gift matching.
Scholarship and Endowed Name Funds: Include scholarships, bequests, and endowed name funds.
Donate by mail
Friends of Virginia Public Safety
115 4th Avenue North
Virginia, MN 55792